Airsoft Mechanics
I. Weapon replicas
Pistol, submachine gun
There is no shooting distance limit.
Lista replik dopuszczonych: DMR, snajperki, KM - [ link]
II. Magazines
Single fire / Burst fire
III. Hits
This is the time to scratch the injury card and take the action described on it, depending on the color under the scratch-off. After bleeding out, the player goes to their faction's respawn.
Medics and other players can heal depending on the color on the injury card. A medic cannot heal themselves if they draw the red color on the injury card.
Individual tactical bandages are allowed instead of dressings. "Damage Cards" will be used.
Green: Another player can heal you – they have a maximum of 5 minutes (from the hit) to do so; otherwise, you bleed out and go to respawn. Bandage on the arm or thigh. You return to the game – second hit means respawn.
Red: Only a medic can heal you – they have a maximum of 5 minutes from the hit to do so; otherwise, you bleed out and go to respawn. Bandage on the arm or thigh. You return to the game – second hit means respawn.
Black: Death. You go to respawn.
30 minutes (counted from the descent to the designated place – shooting sides).
60 minutes – repair time for a destroyed vehicle at the designated station.
2 hours – penalty time imposed by the organizer for breaking other rules.
Night – red flashlight (must have a blinking/flashing setting).
Day – reflective vest.
Vests and flashlights will be checked before the scenario starts. No equipment = prohibition from participating in the game until the equipment is obtained + first organizer warning!
All vehicles participating in the game must be reported to the organizers before the event.
Shooting at vehicles from which no fire is being returned is prohibited.
Shooting through open windows and doors is prohibited.
A vehicle can be destroyed using an anti-tank weapon, a mine, or a yellow or orange smoke grenade provided by the organizers.
A vehicle that is out of the game or destroyed should be marked with hazard lights and a reflective vest on the side mirror.
No "civilian" vehicles not participating in the game are allowed to enter the game area during the event.
A complete ban on using equipment in forested areas (exceptions will apply).
The following certified airsoft game charges are allowed: pressure / directional mines, flashbang grenades, smoke grenades / candles / screens, strobe lights, and hand flares.
Homemade explosive charges by participants will be inspected (permitted firecrackers are specified in the detailed rules).
Sound mines have an alarm function only.
LARP charges must be accredited by the organizer.
They will receive a proper sticker indicating their power and range.
Last updated